
From PanoZona


Author Marek Standio
Module version 1.3
Compatibility SaladoPlayer 1.0 +

ZoomSlider is simple and fully skinnable module for manipuation of field of view value. It can be used for easy zooming in and out, it also displays zoom boundaries of current panorama and shows how much more it can be zoomed in, or what level of zoom is currently displayed. It also encouradges common users to use zoom feature. It can be opened and closed on demand, you can change its alignemnt size and position, it can be also displayed horizontally or vertically.

Configuration structure

Configuration details


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
path S - - path to swf file Mandatory attribute. Value points to module swf file.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
open B - true true, false Determines visibility of module window on SaladoPlayer start.
alpha N - 1.0 0.1 to 1.0 Transparency of module window content.
align O horizontal S left left, center, right Horizontal alignment of module window against panorama window.
vertical S middle top, middle, bottom Vertical alignment of module window against panorama window.
margin O top N 10 - Minimal distance from module window and top border of panorama window.
bottom N 10 - Minimal distance from module window and bottom border of panorama window.
left N 10 - Minimal distance from module window and left border of panorama window.
right N 10 - Minimal distance from module window and right border of panorama window.
transition O type S slideLeft fade, slideUp, slideDown, slideLeft, slideRight Determines kind of transition used when module window is opening/closing.
openTween O transition F Linear.easeNone avaible functions Determines type of animation used when module window is opening.
time N 0.5 - Duration in seconds of module window opening animation.
closeTween O transition F Linear.easeNone avaible functions Determines type of animation used when module window is closing.
time N 0.5 - Duration in seconds of module window closing animation.
onOpen S - - action id Action executed when module window changed state to closed.
onClose S - - action id Action executed when module window changed state to opened.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
path S - - path to image file Mandatory attribute. Value points to image file with bitmaps grid containing bitmaps for slider elements. There is no restriction for overall grid size, but it has to be formated properly. All bitmaps in grid have to be of the same size. Grid has to contain 2 rows and 3 columns with inner borders of 1 px.
minLength N - 100 - Determines slider minimal length measured from middle of zoom in button to middle of zoom out button.
maxLength N - 300 - Determines slider maximal length measured from middle of zoom in button to middle of zoom out button.
slidesHorizontal B - false true, false Determines if module is aligned vertically or horizontally.
listenKeys B - false true, false When set to true, module reflects pressing keyboard zoom keys (shift and ctrl) by setting proper buttons state to active.



TypeDescriptionFunction description
B Value assigned to open attribute. Opens/closes module window on demand. Opening window once window is opened makes no effect, same thing for closing window.


TypeDescriptionFunction description
- - Calling this function toggles module window open state. If called when window is opened it closes window, same thing other way around.