
From PanoZona


Author Denis Goryachev
Module version 1.0
Compatibility SaladoPlayer 1.0 +

Module allow embeding google map window besides SaladoPlayer div. Module depends on external javscript files.

Configuration structure

Configuration details


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
path S - - path to swf file Mandatory attribute. Value points to module swf file.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
open B - true true, false Determines visibility of module window on SaladoPlayer start.
onOpen S - - action id Action executed when module window changed state to opened.
onClose S - - action id Action executed when module window changed state to closed.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
markerOn S - - path to image file Image for active waypoint.
markerOff S - - path to image file Image for inactive waypoint.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
target S - - panorama id Panorama given waypoint is targetting to.
label S - - - Short description of panorama, will be displayed when cursor is hovering over waypoint.
geolocation O latitude N 0 - Waypoint geographical coordinate.
longitude N 0 - Waypoint geographical coordinate.
elevation N 0 - Waypoint geographical coordinate.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
path S - - path to kml file Keyhole Markup Language file, needs to be reffered via http.

Exposed functions


TypeDescriptionFunction description
B Value assigned to open attribute. Opens/closes map window on demand. Opening window once window is open makes no effect, same thing for closing window.


TypeDescriptionFunction description
- - Calling this function toggles map window open state. If called when window is opened it closes window, same thing other way around.