
From PanoZona


Author Marek Standio
Module version 1.4.3
Compatibility SaladoPlayer 1.0 +

ImageMap allows map-based navigation between panoramas. Map is displayed in separate window, its configuration gives full control over window size, position and open/close animation. Module is also fully skinnable. Map is created from external image, it can be navigated with mouse or included navigation buttons. Module can display many maps, each map can contain many groups of waypoints. Appeariance of each group can be individually configured. Clicking on waypoints allows switching between panoramas, changing panoramas changes state of waypoint targeting to currently viewed panorama. Maps are automatically changed whenever user loads panorama that waypoint on given map is targeting to. Map features very usefull option of auto focusing on active waypoint whenever map gets changed, panorama gets loaded or user starts moving panorama around.

Configuration structure

Configuration details


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
path S - - path to swf file Mandatory attribute. Value points to module swf file.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
open B - true true, false Determines visibility of module window on SaladoPlayer start.
alpha N - 1.0 0.1 to 1.0 Transparency of module window content.
minSize O width N 200 - Minimal width of module window.
height N 150 - Minimal height of module window.
maxSize O width N 600 - Maximal width of module window.
height N 300 - Maximal height of module window.
align O horizontal S right left, center, right Horizontal alignment of module window against panorama window.
vertical S top top, middle, bottom Vertical alignment of module window against panorama window.
margin O top N 10 - Minimal distance from module window and top border of panorama window.
bottom N 10 - Minimal distance from module window and bottom border of panorama window.
left N 10 - Minimal distance from module window and left border of panorama window.
right N 10 - Minimal distance from module window and right border of panorama window.
transition O type S slideRight fade, slideUp, slideDown, slideLeft, slideRight Determines kind of transition used when module window is opening/closing.
openTween O transition F Linear.easeNone avaible functions Determines type of animation used when module window is opening.
time N 0.5 - Duration in seconds of module window opening animation.
closeTween O transition F Linear.easeNone avaible functions Determines type of animation used when module window is closing.
time N 0.5 - Duration in seconds of module window closing animation.
onOpen S - - action id Action executed when module window changed state to closed.
onClose S - - action id Action executed when module window changed state to opened.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
path S - - path to swf file Mandatory attribute. Value points to image used as close button.
align O horizontal S right left, center, right Horizontal alignment of close button against module window.
vertical S top top, middle, bottom Vertical alignment of close button against module window.
move O horizontal N 0 - Number of pixels close button is moved horizontally.
vertical N 0 - Number of pixels close button is moved vertically.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
path S - - path to image file Mandatory attribute. Points to image file that will be used as bitmaps for navigation.
style O color N #000000 #000000 to #FFFFFF Color of map background
alpha N 1.0 0.1 to 1.0 Alpha of map background
navMove O enabled B true true, false Determines visibility of move navigation panel.
speed N 10 - Speed in pixels per frame used by move navigation panel and autofocus
useDrag B true true, false Determines if map can be dragged with mouse cursor.
navZoom O enabled B true true, false Determines visibility of zoom navigation panel.
speed N 0.03 - Speed of zooming in/out used by zoom navigation panel and mouse scroll.
useScroll B true true, false Determines if map zoom can be manipulated with mouse scroll.
autoFocus B - true true, false Determines if autofocus is enabled. Autofocus moves map on panorama change or on panorama started moving, so that active waypoint is as close to the middle of module window as it is possible at given map zoom value.
autoSwitch B - true true, false Determines if maps are automatically switched when user enters panoramas that are targeted from dofferent maps.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
id S - - - Mandatory attribute. Must be unique among other map nodes.
path S - - path to image file Mandatory attribute. Points to image file that will be used as map. It should also work with swf files.
zoom O init N 75 - Initial zoom in % of map image.
max N 200 - Maximum zoom in % of map image.
min N 0 - Minimum zoom in % of map image.
panShift N - 0 -180 to 180 How many degrees top of given map is pointing away from north.
onSet S - - action id Id of action executed when given map is set.
onUnSet S - - action id Id of action executed when given map is unset.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
path S - - path to image file Mandatory attribute. Points to image file that will be used as bitmaps for each waypoint.
move O horizontal N 0 - Number of pixels each waypoint is moved horizontally away from radar anchor.
vertical N 0 - Number of pixels each waypoint is moved vertically away from radar anchor.
radar O alpha N 0.5 0.1 to 1.0 Transparency of radar.
radius N 100 - Radius of radar.
color N #FFFFFF #000000 to #FFFFFF Color of radar fill.
borderSize N 2 - Width of radar border.
borderColor N #000000 #000000 to #FFFFFF Color of radar border.
showTilt B false true, false When this attribute is set to true, radar is displays changes in tilt.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
target S - - panorama id Mandatory attribute. Determines which panorama to load when waypoint button is clicked.
position O x N 0 0 to map image width Horizontal position of waypoint on map.
y N 0 0 to map image height Vertical position of waypoint on map.
mouse O onOver S - action id Action executed when mouse moves over waypoint.
onOut S - action id Action executed when mouse moves out of waypoint.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
id S - - panorama id Mandatory attribute. Must be unique among other extraWaypoints.
action S - - action id Determines which action to execute when user clicks on extraWaypoint.
position, mouse - - - - See attributes in waypoint.



TypeDescriptionFunction description
B Value assigned to open attribute. Opens/closes map window on demand. Opening window once window is opened makes no effect, same thing for closing window.


TypeDescriptionFunction description
- - Calling this function toggles map window open state. If called when window is opened it closes window, same thing other way around.


TypeDescriptionFunction description
S map id Makes module display map of given id.


TypeDescriptionFunction description
S id of extraWaypoint Function sets state of extraWaypoint of given id to active and removes active state from other extraWaypoints.