AWEBDAP Changelog -------------------------------------------------------
Author: Greg Ippolito
1.10:September 8, 2008
1) Add directives: InfoDisplayNumberOfConcatenationAttributes
* Remove directives: InfoDisplayName
* New feature allows the search results to be based on LDAP atributes
other than the hard coded use of the first and last name.
* It is now user specified and can be the result of concatonated
LDAP attributes.
* Driven by UCSB request to use the LDAP attribute "DisplayName" and
the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity request to include the "Nickname"
concatenated within the first and last name.
2) Used C++ class member variable initializers to improve runtime speed.
3) Fixed bug with Info page display. AWebDap "field" argument #8
now works properly.
1.9: September 1, 2007
1) Added to support of aWebDap directive "DisplayMapURL" to support
2) Add two directives FilterPrefix and FilterSuffix.
Depricate AddFilter (Depricate - still support but don't use.)
Use FilterPrefix instead. This fixes UCSB problem with Sun LDAP.
3) Add
tag between records for PageType:HtmlMinimal: for
better presentation on cell phones and small screens.
4) Fix LDAP bind port directive: LdapPort. Was still using LDAP_PORT.
1.8c: Add fix for UCSB to properly report partial LDAP listing errors.
1.8b: November 26, 2005
1) Add: Support for alternet character sets as specified by a HTML
meta tag. New aWebDap directives: HtmlCharset and VcardCharset
2) Add: Support for alternet languages as specified by the tag "html".
New aWebDap directive: HtmlLang
3) Add: Support for Yahoo maps in addition to Mapquest.
For full set of new and modified features see:
1.8: April 4, 2005
1) Add: Support for WTAI to dial and add number to Cell address book.
2) Add: CSS for commercial version.
3) Add: ImgAttribute to allow LDAP attribute reference to be displayed as an image.
4) Add: Support for Mapquest link based on address.
5) Fix: Strip leading and trailing blanks on search text input.
6) Fix: Latest OpenLDAP does not support searches for "***" or "**".
AWebDap no longer will submit such a search.
1.7: July 4, 2003
https and cell phone support added as well as new customization features
1) Fix default if background color was defined as "".
2) Add http port number if not 80, then specify for links on results
page. Use CGI environment to obtain data.
3) Add directive CgiBinPath to specify client view of CGI relative
directory path.
4) Add LdapPort, InfoDisplayName (specification of title by attribute
type i.e. cn, uid or use keyword "default"),
InfoDisplayNickName, directives.
5) Add PageType -(HtmlMinimal | HtmlExtra) Optimum display for web
phone. Else indent results and use table borders.
Add UrlReturnLink - for phone return link to page. No link if NULL.
6) Fix add new entry bug.
Note config file changes: HtmlBgColor --> BackgroundColor
HtmlTextColor --> TextColor
HtmlLinkColor --> LinkColor
HtmlVLinkColor --> VLinkColor
For full set of new and modified features see:
1.6: Fix VCard display
1.5: Nov 15, 2001
1) Fix to HTML.
Change the line in awebdap-stooges-admin.html
(This would work with Netscape but NOT with MS/Explorer or Mozilla)
2) Add directives AddFilter, IgnoreType
1.4: Oct 26, 2001
1) Add SearchBase, UpdateDnInput, UpdateDefaultDisplayDn,
2) UpdatePassword, BindPw directives.
1.3: Sept 5, 2001
2) Update trigger and script.
1.2: Aug 14, 2001
1) Add version checking for conf file.
2) Database record entry addition and deletion.
3) Change search base in config file to include "o="
4) Improve error handling by writing error message to page.
1 : Aug 2, 2001 First release
Description: This C++ CGI routine utilizes a forms based web query
to generate an LDAP search.
This CGI routine will handle queries and submit LDAP searches
and generate HTML tables, VCard or an HTML form for output.
Types of processings handled by this program:
1) Given search attribute and string from HTML form, perform LDAP search
2) Vcard link chosen, perform LDAP search for single record
and generate VCARD.
3) Modify link chosen, generate modify page with text entry fields.
4) Info Page
5) Update LDAP database